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america online 4.0 impermeant
Posted on: 08-08 7:59 pm

I was on america online 4.0 on my winondws 98 computer and i went into setup and went into the configuration mode and changed the server to iwarg.ddns.net and i did that and it said checking password then went back on the sign on screen saying a very intersting messenge says connection was lost if this promlem restart your computer isp or lan or troubleshoot if phonix server admin knows a way to bypas and get to the guest password log in or the existing one let me know thank you !

Add me on aim - drewcxking99xx Add me on msn - drewcz1@hotmail.com
Posted on: 08-25 5:53 pm

An AIM/AOL service is coming. The creator estimated that it will be released in a week. He announced he will support 4.0, so wait for further details. Note that iWarg is NOT making this.

Posted on: 08-25 8:55 pm

thx I knew that aol 4.0 will work soon once he gets done with the develop

Add me on aim - drewcxking99xx Add me on msn - drewcz1@hotmail.com
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