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Forum Index > AIM/ICQ Discussion
Searchin' for a friend
Posted on: 08-25 9:09 pm

Hello everybody!

I'm just searching for a buddy, but I have one problem - I'm under 18, though I'm not that dumb if I found AIM Phoenix :P

So I know there is not going to be anyone younger than 18, because most people are previous users of AIM...
Maybe you still want to be a buddy :)

p.s. I have 2 screen names: ZigZig and hanginweed, use whatever you want

(I live in Europe so my timezone will be different compared to USA)
Posted on: 08-25 9:24 pm

You'd be surprised, I've been IMed by people well under 18, surprised by the fact they knew about AIM at all really.
Posted on: 08-25 9:50 pm

Ok... I’m surprised...
That makes me at least more confident about being here...
Posted on: 08-26 12:51 am

Beta Tester

welcome to the family :)

Posted on: 08-27 8:33 am

Lol im 12 and i like USING AIM :)
Posted on: 08-27 12:13 pm

don't ya gotta be 13 to use this?
Posted on: 08-27 1:37 pm

bruh read the terms on the home page

there is nothing regarding how old you need to be to use Phoenix servers
though i don't think there weren't anyone younger than 13 in previous servers :P
Posted on: 08-27 1:47 pm

I thought so, since you had to be 13 to use AIM in its heyday.
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