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Forum Index > AIM/ICQ Discussion
Anyone wanna talk?
Posted on: 10-21 12:27 am

hi there. my screenname is Synergy.

also i messaged a bunch of people because i only have one friend on here, vErY sAd :((( Cr i e s.m.,m

uh, yeah, and if you have a vidlii account then that's epic.

gamer nation heck
Posted on: 10-21 1:50 am

So you have the screenname Synergy, but instead of using that to post on the forum you create another username called SynergyForum to post. Why?
Posted on: 10-21 2:04 am

because phoenix was being S t u p i d and didn't let me log into my account on the forum. does it even really matter, though?

gamer nation heck
Posted on: 10-21 5:15 am

No, nothing you do matters. I'm just trying to figure out why so many people are wasting so many usernames.
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