Oh. sswag lol.
He barely goes on here anymore. He also claimed he'd do the same on MessengerGeek because he's gone on about it being the worst place on earth due to drama that's actually been overblown to oblivion by the community itself (Not to say he's wrong about it being awful though..), but those have been complete lies as he still lurks under a different account named "water" and has even proved it on an occasion. I believe he just can't let go of it and tries to act like he has nothing to do with that forum but I'm not buying any of his nonsense.
Anyway, he mostly hangs out on Discord (usually on his own server) or Escargot doing... whatever he does nowadays. AFAIK it's mainly him making false promises about his (mostly vaporware) projects and whining about tiny things like he usually does.
Yeah that was just a VS thing that points to an AIM Today archive he quickly cobbled up and tried to pass of as a "patch". No one bought it. :) Nowadays he says that he thinks his earlier projects are garbage but he uses my words I said on one of his other projects (AOL Reborn) to refer to them so he might just be saying things to sound "mature", which is another sswag-ism.
Also fun fact, he used to sound pretty, I should say, generic back when he first got in on this retro IM stuff. Nowadays he tries to be more "edgy" and "mature" but his results are laughably cringeworthy. Probably him trying to fit in with the VidLii crowd. :p
if (Nerd->Personality == (NERD_PERSON_FRONTFACING + NERD_PERSON_SMARTALEC)) { return; }