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Why is InfoWars in the "Links" section?
Posted on: 11-11 5:54 am

It doesn't have anything to do with AIM whatsoever. Is it there as a joke? I hope it is...

--- stuck in the past ---
Posted on: 11-11 9:06 pm

Judging from your profile pic, you must be a LIBTARD!!! Hahaha triggered liberal? Liberal Outrage!1 Ooooh Did We Hurt Ur Feelings??? Hahaha stupid Anticuck libtard If U Don't Liek It Then Leave like u say! This is an AMERICAN run board!! Hahahahaha....

Posted on: 11-12 5:38 am

Beta Tester

it's there because SJWs and snowflakes and liberal zombies like hillary clinton can't stand that alex jones exists.

Hououin - your friendly neighborhood AIM server operator
Posted on: 11-12 10:03 am

Beta Tester

Ok boomer

--- stuck in the past ---
Posted on: 11-13 2:08 am

Beta Tester

Meh, I don't care for Alex Jones, in fact, I hate him with a passion. But I'm not gonna judge anyone for liking the guy and listening to his shows. After all, we're all entitled to like what we want, watch/listen to what we want, have our own opinions on various topics, etc etc etc etc. As harsh as this may sound, if you don't like something, avoid it, but don't make a big deal out of it. Simple as that. If you want to voice your opinion on something, you certainly can... just do so in a constructive way and not in a way that will cause the whole community to blow up at you and be sure you voice your opinions at the appropriate place as well. If someone wants to blow up at you anyway, block and mute them, do not engage in the fight because it's not gonna work out and will cause major problems for the both of you. Anyways, I just wanted to give my 2 cents on this topic. Hopefully, my 2 cents will be useful.

EDIT: There's no need for name calling.
Posted on: 11-13 3:37 am

Beta Tester

well said, there's a severe and troubling deficit of that kind of reasoning in this country. instead now when someone has an opinion we don't like it's apparently time to shove our ears full of cement and burn the cities down and blow whistles all day and bang stuff together loudly in the streets..

Hououin - your friendly neighborhood AIM server operator
Posted on: 11-13 5:34 am

Beta Tester

You're right, KimberleyMTF. It's not my business what iWarg likes to watch. They can do what they want, and I can do what I want.

InfoWars still has absolutely nothing to do with AIM though.

--- stuck in the past ---
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